The partnership between Osai GreenTech and Haiki+ to explore plant development opportunities for the Circular Economy sector is official, with specific focus on material recovery from certain categories of waste that will be jointly defined during the course of the collaboration.

Nicola Colucci, president of Haiki+, a sub-holding of Innovatec Group active in the Environment and Circular Economy business with a plurality of material treatment, recovery and recycling plants, commented on the relationship established between the two companies as follows. “With this strategic collaboration it is our intention to address the challenge represented by the development of revolutionary technology dedicated to extracting material and value from specific waste streams that, to date, do not yet have an adequate technological response, going to intercept those critical raw materials, which would otherwise be lost in the traditional management process. This is an important challenge that we are convinced we can win thanks to the fundamental contribution of an exceptional partner such as Osai Green Tech.”

Fabio Benetti, Osai CEO, recalled the purpose of establishing the Benefit Society. “Osai GreenTech was established with the vision of actively contributing to the spread of automation in the recycling world and the circular economy aimed at the sustainable recovery of resources from discarded products. The collaboration with Haiki+ represents a great opportunity to pursue our mission and qualify Osai GreenTech as a competent and reliable technological partner capable of applying the best technologies and innovation that comes from established experience in the industry, actively contributing to making recycling processes more efficient, faster and more sustainable and thus initiating a new era of recycling.”