Urban mining: WEEE a strategic issue for Italy (and more)
The amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment generated globally is increasing at a rate of almost 2 million tonnes per year. It is estimated that the almost 60 million tonnes [...]
Confindustria Cisambiente, Marco Guolo council member
The General Council of Confindustria Cisambiente was recently renewed. The new team also includes Osai GreenTech with the designation as a council member of Marco Guolo, the company's CTO, who commented in this [...]
Partnership Haiki+ and Osai GreenTech
The partnership between Osai GreenTech and Haiki+ to explore plant development opportunities for the Circular Economy sector is official, with specific focus on material recovery from certain categories of waste that will be [...]
NEW-RE project
Osai Green Tech SB S.r.l. will contribute to industrial prototype Osai Automation System S.p.A., parent company of the Benefit Society, has joined the consortium set up for the NEW- RE project to tackle [...]
Osai Green Tech SB S.r.l. present at Ecomondo
Osai GreenTech will be exhibiting at Ecomondo, benchmark event in Europe for ecological transition and new models of circular and regenerative economy, at Stand 139 Hall B3, from 8 to 11 November 2022. [...]
The BoD of OSAI A.S. S.P.A. approves the establishment of “OSAI GREEN TECH SB S.R.L.”
Turin, October 13th, 2022 – OSAI Automation System S.p.A., (Ticker OSA), a company that operates in the field of design and production of machines and complete lines for automation and testing on semiconductors, announces that the [...]