Today we are celebrating an important milestone for OSAI Green Tech SB, the inauguration, in the presence of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security – Gilberto Pichetto Fratin – of our first Re4M – Recycling for Manufacturing plant built for the IREN Group and installed at Valdarno Ambiente in the municipality of Terranuova Bracciolini, in the province of Arezzo.
Re4M is not only a project that looks to the future of recycling, but also a concrete player in the transition towards a circular economy. An economy that does not just valorise waste, but aims to increase our country’s autonomy in the supply of raw materials, contributing to a more sustainable world for future generations.
This achievement was possible thanks to the trust, support and determination of all those who believed in this ambitious design. A project that marks a break with the past and which today, with pride, we can proudly define as an engine of concrete change.
Special thanks go to Iren Ambiente and its enlightened management, which was the first to believe in the transformative value and opportunities that this project represents for the territory and the country. To our Italian partners, in particular BTT Italia, goes our heartfelt thanks for their teamwork over the years. Their expertise, dedication and shared vision have been fundamental to the success of this initiative.
To all the others who have contributed with their impeccable commitment goes a huge thank you. It is thanks to you that we have achieved standards of excellence and innovation, the true drivers of this project.
Technology and innovation, the pillars of our vision, will continue to drive the evolution of the recycling industry. With this approach, we will turn challenges into opportunities, positioning ourselves as an example of excellence in a context where Italy is confirmed as the European leader, as highlighted by the recent Italy Recycling Report 2024.
This project concretely demonstrates how our country can continue to grow and innovate in a strategic sector for the future.
As Albert Einstein said: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Together, we are seizing these opportunities to build a better future.